59. Characterization of the Zebrafish Elastin a (elna(sa12235)) Mutant: A New Model of Elastinopathy Leading to Heart Valve Defects.
Hoareau M, El Kholti N, Debret R, Lambert E
(2023) Cells 12 :

58. Analysis of biomechanical properties of mouse skin dermis through atomic force microscopy: Application to demonstrate a sexual dimorphism.
Prigent L, Mercier-gouy P, Bovio S, Aubert A, Liot S, Lambert E, Valcourt U
(2023) Exp Dermatol 32 :1016-1027

57. Physiological Impact of a Synthetic Elastic Protein in Arterial Diseases Related to Alterations of Elastic Fibers: Effect on the Aorta of Elastin-Haploinsufficient Male and Female Mice.
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56. Alpha-Lipoic Acid Supplementation Restores Early Age-Related Sensory and Endothelial Dysfunction in the Skin.
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55. Zebrafish as a Model to Study Vascular Elastic Fibers and Associated Pathologies.
Hoareau M, El Kholti N, Debret R, Lambert E
(2022) Int J Mol Sci 23 :

54. Latent TGF-β Activation Is a Hallmark of the Tenascin Family.
Aubert A, Mercier-gouy P, Aguero S, Berthier L, Liot S, Prigent L, Alcaraz Lb, Verrier B, Terreux R, Moali C, Lambert E, Valcourt U
(2021) Front Immunol 12 :613438-613438

53. Combining an optimized mRNA template with a double purification process allows strong expression of in vitro transcribed mRNA.
Linares-fernández S, Moreno J, Lambert E, Mercier-gouy P, Vachez L, Verrier B, Exposito Jy
(2021) Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 26 :945-956

52. Stroma Involvement in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: An Overview Focusing on Extracellular Matrix Proteins.
Liot S, Balas J, Aubert A, Prigent L, Mercier-gouy P, Verrier B, Bertolino P, Hennino A, Valcourt U, Lambert E
(2021) Front Immunol 12 :612271-612271

51. Development of thymic tumor in [LSL:KrasG12D; Pdx1-CRE] mice, an adverse effect associated with accelerated pancreatic carcinogenesis.
Liot S, El Kholti N, Balas J, Genestier L, Verrier B, Valcourt U, Lambert E
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50. Autophagy and Mitophagy-Related Pathways at the Crossroads of Genetic Pathways Involved in Familial Sarcoidosis and Host-Pathogen Interactions Induced by Coronaviruses.
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49. BMP-1 disrupts cell adhesion and enhances TGF-β activation through cleavage of the matricellular protein thrombospondin-1.
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48. NFATC2 Modulates Radiation Sensitivity in Dermal Fibroblasts From Patients With Severe Side Effects of Radiotherapy.
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47. Loss of Tenascin-X expression during tumor progression: A new pan-cancer marker.
Liot S, Aubert A, Hervieu V, Kholti Ne, Schalkwijk J, Verrier B, Valcourt U, Lambert E
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46. A novel mechanism in wound healing: Laminin 332 drives MMP9/14 activity by recruiting syndecan-1 and CD44.
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45. Vieillissement et intégrité de la peau : de la biologie cutanée aux stratégies anti-âge.
Rorteau J, Chevalier Fp, Fromy B, Lamartine J
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44. Poly(lactic acid) nanoparticles and cell-penetrating peptide potentiate mRNA-based vaccine expression in dendritic cells triggering their activation.
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43. Acinar-to-Ductal Metaplasia Induced by Transforming Growth Factor Beta Facilitates KRAS(G12D)-driven Pancreatic Tumorigenesis.
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42. Satellite Cells in Muscular Dystrophy - Lost in Polarity.
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41. Thyroid hormone receptor-? deletion decreases heart function and exercise performance in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice.
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40. Antineoplastic copper coordinated complexes (Casiopeinas) uncouple oxidative phosphorylation and induce mitochondrial permeability transition in cardiac mitochondria and cardiomyocytes.
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39. Analysis of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Induced by Transforming Growth Factor ?.
Valcourt U, Carthy J, Okita Y, Alcaraz L, Kato M, Thuault S, Bartholin L, Moustakas A
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38. A fine structural modification of glycosaminoglycans is correlated with the progression of muscle regeneration after ischaemia: towards a matrix-based therapy?
Chevalier F, Arnaud D, Henault E, Guillevic O, Sineriz F, Ponsen Ac, Papy-garcia D, Barritault D, Letourneur D, Uzan G, Meddahi-pelle A, Hlawaty H, Albanese P
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37. Proteolytic control of TGF-? co-receptor activity by BMP-1/tolloid-like proteases revealed by quantitative iTRAQ proteomics.
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36. Heparanase and Syndecan-4 Are Involved in Low Molecular Weight Fucoidan-Induced Angiogenesis.
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35. Tenascin-X: beyond the architectural function.
Valcourt U, Alcaraz Lb, Exposito Jy, Lethias C, Bartholin L
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34. Tenascin-X promotes epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition by activating latent TGF-β.
Alcaraz Lb, Exposito Jy, Chuvin N, Pommier Rm, Cluzel C, Martel S, Sentis S, Bartholin L, Lethias C, Valcourt U
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33. Glycosaminoglycan mimetic improves enrichment and cell functions of human endothelial progenitor cell colonies.
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32. Vascular function of the mesenteric artery isolated from thyroid hormone receptor-? knockout mice.
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31. Glycosaminoglycan modifications in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: specific remodeling of chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate.
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30. Zebrafish collagen XIV is transiently expressed in epithelia and is required for proper function of certain basement membranes.
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29. A crucial role for Lyn in TIMP-1 erythroid cell survival signalling pathway.
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28. dsRNA induces apoptosis through an atypical death complex associating TLR3 to caspase-8.
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27. Netrin-4 acts as a pro-angiogenic factor during zebrafish development.
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26. The fibrillar collagen family.
Exposito Jy, Valcourt U, Cluzel C, Lethias C
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25. Molecular dissection of integrin signalling proteins in the control of mammary epithelial development and differentiation.
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24. TIMP-1 binding to proMMP-9/CD44 complex localized at the cell surface promotes erythroid cell survival.
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23. Demosponge and sea anemone fibrillar collagen diversity reveals the early emergence of A/C clades and the maintenance of the modular structure of type V/XI collagens from sponge to human.
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22. A RasGAP SH3 peptide aptamer inhibits RasGAP-Aurora interaction and induces caspase-independent tumor cell death.
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21. Receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) modulates neutrophil adhesion and migration on glycoxidated extracellular matrix.
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19. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 promotes hematopoietic differentiation via caspase-3 upstream the MEKK1/MEK6/p38alpha pathway.
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18. Knockdown of the intraflagellar transport protein IFT46 stimulates selective gene expression in mouse chondrocytes and affects early development in zebrafish.
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17. Non-enzymatic glycation of bone collagen modifies osteoclastic activity and differentiation.
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16. Functional role of Meox2 during the epithelial cytostatic response to TGF-beta
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15. Elastin peptides activate extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 via a Ras-independent mechanism requiring both p110gamma/Raf-1 and protein kinase A/B-Raf signaling in human skin fibroblasts.
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14. Beneficial and detrimental influences of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in tumor progression.
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13. Ablation of beta1 integrin in mammary epithelium reveals a key role for integrin in glandular morphogenesis and differentiation.
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12. TGF-beta and the Smad signaling pathway support transcriptomic reprogramming during epithelial-mesenchymal cell transition.
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11. ERK1/2 activation by elastin peptides in human skin fibroblasts is Ras-independent and requires both p110 gamma/Raf-1 and PKA/B-Raf signaling pathways
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10. Modulation of collagen synthesis in normal and osteoarthritic cartilage.
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9. Id2 and Id3 define the potency of cell proliferation and differentiation responses to transforming growth factor beta and bone morphogenetic protein
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8. TIMPs as multifacial proteins.
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7. Involvement of the Src kinase Lyn in phospholipase C-gamma 2 phosphorylation and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activation in Epo signalling.
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6. Mechanism of a transcriptional cross talk between transforming growth factor-beta-regulated Smad3 and Smad4 proteins and orphan nuclear receptor hepatocyte nuclear factor-4
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5. Nuclear factor YY1 inhibits transforming growth factor beta- and bone morphogenetic protein-induced cell differentiation
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4. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 signalling pathway leading to erythroid cell survival.
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3. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulates glycosylphosphatidylinositol hydrolysis through PLC-gamma(2) activation in erythropoietin-stimulated cells.
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2. Functions of transforming growth factor-beta family type I receptors and Smad proteins in the hypertrophic maturation and osteoblastic differentiation of chondrocytes.
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1. Different effects of bone morphogenetic proteins 2, 4, 12, and 13 on the expression of cartilage and bone markers in the MC615 chondrocyte cell line.
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