Equipe : Métalloprotéases et Remodelage tissulaire
Courriel :
Téléphone : +33(0)4-37-65-29-28
Statut : Doctorant
2 publications au total. Seules les 5 dernières années sont affichées
2. Identification of PCPE-2 as the endogenous specific inhibitor of human BMP-1/tolloid-like proteinases.
Vadon-le Goff S, Tessier A, Napoli M, Dieryckx C, Bauer J, Dussoyer M, Lagoutte P, Peyronnel C, Essayan L, Kleiser S, Tueni N, Bettler E, Mariano N, Errazuriz-cerda E, Fruchart Gaillard C, Ruggiero F, Becker-pauly C, Allain Jm, Bruckner-tuderman L, Nyström A, Moali C
(2023) Nat Commun 14 :8020-8020
1. C-terminal proteolysis of the collagen VI α3 chain by BMP-1 and proprotein convertase(s) releases endotrophin in fragments of different sizes.
Heumuller Se, Talantikite M, Napoli M, Armengaud J, Morgelin M, Hartmann U, Sengle G, Paulsson M, Moali C, Wagener R
(2019) J Biol Chem 294 :13769-13780