Jean-Paul SALVI
Equipe : Groupe Rockfeller
Courriel :
Téléphone : +33(0)4-72-72-26-27
Statut : Technicien
4 publications au total. Seules les 5 dernières années sont affichées
4. Comparison of Physicochemical Properties of LipoParticles as mRNA Carrier Prepared by Automated Microfluidic System and Bulk Method.
Ayad C, Yavuz A, Salvi Jp, Libeau P, Exposito Jy, Ginet V, Monge C, Verrier B, Arruda Dc
(2022) Pharmaceutics 14 :
3. Determination of inosine 5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase activity in red blood cells of thiopurine-treated patients using HPLC.
Beringer A, Citterio-quentin A, Otero Ro, Gustin C, Clarke R, Salvi Jp, Boulieu R
(2017) J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 1044-1045 :194-199
2. Intersection of calorie restriction and magnesium in the suppression of genome-destabilizing RNA-DNA hybrids.
Abraham Kj, Chan Jn, Salvi Js, Ho B, Hall A, Vidya E, Guo R, Killackey Sa, Liu N, Lee Je, Brown Gw, Mekhail K
(2016) Nucleic Acids Res 44 :8870-8884
1. Ex-Vivo percutaneous absorption of enrofloxacin: Comparison of LMOG organogel vs. pentravan cream.
Kirilov P, Tran Vh, Ducrotte-tassel A, Salvi Jp, Perrot S, Haftek M, Boulieu R, Pirot F
(2016) Int J Pharm 498 :170-7