Catherine MOALI
Ingénieure Chimiste ESPCI-ParisTech (1995)
Diplômée de l’Institut de Formation Supérieure Biomédicale (IFSBM, Université Paris Sud, 1998)
Doctorat de l’Université Paris Sud (1999)
HDR de l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon I (2011)
Précédents laboratoires :
- Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques, Paris (1994-1999)
- Centre d’Ingénierie des Protéines, Liège (1999-2001)
- Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines, Lyon (2001-2010)
Responsable de l’Equipe Métalloprotéases et Remodelage Tissulaire
Directrice adjointe de la SFR Biosciences (
Mots-clés : Métalloprotéases, Matrice Extracellulaire, TGF-?, Cicatrisation, Fibroses, Protéomique, Interactions Protéines-Protéines
Equipe : Métalloprotéases et Remodelage tissulaire
Courriel :
Téléphone : +33(0)4-72-72-26-38
Statut : Directeur de recherches
44 publications au total. Seules les 5 dernières années sont affichées
44. Identification of PCPE-2 as the endogenous specific inhibitor of human BMP-1/tolloid-like proteinases.
Vadon-le Goff S, Tessier A, Napoli M, Dieryckx C, Bauer J, Dussoyer M, Lagoutte P, Peyronnel C, Essayan L, Kleiser S, Tueni N, Bettler E, Mariano N, Errazuriz-cerda E, Fruchart Gaillard C, Ruggiero F, Becker-pauly C, Allain Jm, Bruckner-tuderman L, Nyström A, Moali C
(2023) Nat Commun 14 :8020-8020
43. Comparison of extracellular matrix enrichment protocols for the improved characterization of the skin matrisome by mass spectrometry.
Dussoyer M, Page A, Delolme F, Rousselle P, Nyström A, Moali C
(2022) J Proteomics 251 :104397-104397
42. Dynamics of the secreted frizzled related protein Sizzled and potential implications for binding to bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1).
Sharma U, Vadon-le Goff S, Harlos K, Zhao Y, Mariano N, Bijakowski C, Bourhis Jm, Moali C, Hulmes Djs, Aghajari N
(2022) Sci Rep 12 :14850-14850
41. A 9-kDa matricellular SPARC fragment released by cathepsin D exhibits pro-tumor activity in the triple-negative breast cancer microenvironment.
Alcaraz Lb, Mallavialle A, David T, Derocq D, Delolme F, Dieryckx C, Mollevi C, Boissière-michot F, Simony-lafontaine J, Du Manoir S, Huesgen Pf, Overall Cm, Tartare-deckert S, Jacot W, Chardès T, Guiu S, Roger P, Reinheckel T, Moali C, Liaudet-coopman E
(2021) Theranostics 11 :6173-6192
40. Latent TGF-β Activation Is a Hallmark of the Tenascin Family.
Aubert A, Mercier-gouy P, Aguero S, Berthier L, Liot S, Prigent L, Alcaraz Lb, Verrier B, Terreux R, Moali C, Lambert E, Valcourt U
(2021) Front Immunol 12 :613438-613438
39. Targeting Ovarian Carcinoma with TSP-1:CD47 Antagonist TAX2 Activates Anti-Tumor Immunity.
Jeanne A, Sarazin T, Charlé M, Moali C, Fichel C, Boulagnon-rombi C, Callewaert M, Andry Mc, Diesis E, Delolme F, Rioult D, Dedieu S
(2021) Cancers (basel) 13 :
38. Procollagen C-proteinase enhancer-1 (PCPE-1), a potential biomarker and therapeutic target for fibrosis.
Lagoutte P, Bettler E, Vadon-le Goff S, Moali C
(2021) Matrix Biol Plus 11 :100062-100062
37. BMP-1 disrupts cell adhesion and enhances TGF-β activation through cleavage of the matricellular protein thrombospondin-1.
Anastasi C, Rousselle P, Talantikite M, Tessier A, Cluzel C, Bachmann A, Mariano N, Dussoyer M, Alcaraz Lb, Fortin L, Aubert A, Delolme F, El Kholti N, Armengaud J, Fournié P, Auxenfans C, Valcourt U, Goff Sv, Moali C
(2020) Sci Signal 13 :
36. Degradome of soluble ADAM10 and ADAM17 metalloproteases.
Scharfenberg F, Helbig A, Sammel M, Benzel J, Schlomann U, Peters F, Wichert R, Bettendorff M, Schmidt-arras D, Rose-john S, Moali C, Lichtenthaler Sf, Pietrzik Cu, Bartsch Jw, Tholey A, Becker-pauly C
(2020) Cell Mol Life Sci 77 :331-350
35. COL1A1 C-propeptide mutations cause ER mislocalization of procollagen and impair C-terminal procollagen processing.
Barnes Am, Ashok A, Makareeva En, Brusel M, Cabral Wa, Weis M, Moali C, Bettler E, Eyre Dr, Cassella Jp, Leikin S, Hulmes Djs, Kessler E, Marini Jc
(2019) Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis :
34. A scaffold- and serum-free method to mimic human stable cartilage validated by secretome.
Cortes I, Matsui Ram, Azevedo Ms, Beatrici A, Souza Kla, Launay G, Delolme F, Granjeiro Jm, Moali C, Baptista Ls
(2019) Tissue Eng Part A :
33. C-terminal proteolysis of the collagen VI α3 chain by BMP-1 and proprotein convertase(s) releases endotrophin in fragments of different sizes.
Heumuller Se, Talantikite M, Napoli M, Armengaud J, Morgelin M, Hartmann U, Sengle G, Paulsson M, Moali C, Wagener R
(2019) J Biol Chem 294 :13769-13780