Congratulations to Claire Monge who was awarded the CNRS Bronze Medal !

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Congratulations to Claire Monge who was awarded the CNRS Bronze Medal !

What if it was possible to take a vaccine that would dissolve under the tongue instead of getting an injection ? It is the challenge of Claire Monge’s work. Her research in therapeutic engineering aims at developing bio-inspired and eco-friendly vaccines to be administered through mucosae. Her original and promising immunization approach is based on a patch delivering an active substance after its dissolution in the buccal cavity. By targeting mucosae, her research work has great potential for a large diversity of infections, from the respiratory to the genital tracts. To bolster the clinical transfer of her studies, Claire Monge uses an integrated approach, from formulation to preclinical trials. More on Claire Monge’s work here

Claire Monge obtained her PhD in Physiology-Pharmacology from the Université of Grenobles-Alpes (UGA) in 2009, then she moved to the Nijmegen Centre for Molecular Life Sciences (NCMLS, Nijmegen, NL). Back to France, she made a 4-year post-doc in Catherine Picart’s group at LGMP (Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique, Grenoble). Since 2017, she is a CNRS “chargé de recherche” at LBTI where she is the co-leader of a research group with B. Verrier. She is also in charge of the LBTI communication group, LBTI officer for Professional Equality and on the board of the French Society of Nanomedecine (SFNano). Congratulations again for this medal which recognizes young talented CNRS researchers !